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Learn to be on time

Are you sick of friends or family giving you a hard time when you're late? Is your homeroom teacher on your case? Or maybe YOU really hate to be late, but can't seem to help it. It's a drag to be hassled about being late. But it's more of a drag if it becomes a habit.

Being late has two consequences - neither of them good. First, it makes you feel rushed and pressured. Who needs that? Second, it ticks off the people waiting on the other end, and makes you look irresponsible - or uninterested. So if lateness is becoming a problem for you, it's time to take a look at it. First, try to figure out WHY you're late.

Morning blues

If you're mostly late in the morning, it's either because you don't give yourself enough time to get ready/get where you need to go, or you're disorganized. Try these tips

  • Set your alarm clock (and your watch) 1/2 hour early and stick to it.
  • Move your clock across the room so you HAVE to get out of bed - then stay out!
  • Plan your outfit the night before, set it out in your room, and WEAR IT.
  • If it usually takes 20 minutes to get to school, give yourself 30 - allow for obstacles If you carry your lunch to school, make it the night before
  • Pack your bag and knapsack at night with all the books, makeup, and stuff you need.
  • Ask for a wake up call. If you have a friend who's an early bird, ask her to call you in the morning to make sure you're on your feet.

Why are you REALLY late?

There are some other theories on lateness. Freud would say you're "resistant' to the activity - in other words - you don't want to do what you have to do. Now before you think you'll have to spend the next 5 years on the analyst's couch - just think about it.

When are you late? Is it always around the same people? Why? Maybe there's something about that person that's making you hesitate to be in his/her company. Be honest with yourself. Are you always late for an activity - sports, choir practice? Maybe it's time to rethink your commitment to people and activities.

Are you always late for work? Okay - most people don't LOVE their jobs and we'd all rather hang out with friends than work. But if you really HATE your job - look for another one. Work should be a gratifying experience on some level.

Of course not many people want to go to school every morning, but this is one of those responsibilities you just have to show up for. So give yourself time and get there feeling relaxed.

It's hard to break a habit. So deal with your lateness now before it becomes a personality trait. Being on time is respectful to others - and to yourself.

Feedback, submissions, ideas? Super-extenders@yahoo.com